Celebrating 10 Years in London

Welcome to Christian Psychological Services London

Restoration and Transformation through Therapy, Consultation and Training

We are a group of London-based Christians who are experienced professional psychologists and psychotherapists. All of our team have undergone full training in mainstream psychotherapy and psychology institutions and are fully accredited by Health and Care Professions Council, British Psychoanalytic Council, International Society of Schema Therapy, British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy.

What is unique about us?

Whilst we are committed to helping people of any faiths or none, we specialise in helping Christians who value the opportunity to talk to a psychologist or therapist who understands their faith and values. As practising Christians, we have explored in depth the integration of Christianity and Psychology. This means:
We understand that every person that we see needs to be related to with utmost respect because of their intrinsic worth.
We believe that knowing ourselves is essential to our commitment to helping others. The pursuit of such knowledge for us includes advanced studies in theology as well as psychology, personal therapy and ongoing supervision.
We believe in accountability as therapists. That is why we are members of national UK accrediting and professional organisations such as BPS, BPC, HCPC & ISST.
We understand psychological disorders and emotional problems are determined by many factors including spirituality, so we do not provide trite or easy answers. Utilising our experience and training, we aim to help those we serve discover the best outcome for their life, group or organisation.

We are able to offer you: